Encom Gold Ltd also known as Engold is an International gold mining company with diverse portfolio of mine projects in Africa. It is a registered company under BRELA [ Business Registration and Licensing Agency] in Tanzania. The Company is focused on mining and buying pure gold, exporting and delivering value through operational excellence, financial discipline and responsible mining. We focus on three types of mining.

(1) Buying pure gold from big and small miners (Trading )
(2) Gold Leaching Plant Processing. (VAT)
(3) CIL (Carbon In Leaching ), underway project. 

At Encom Gold Ltd we maintain our social license to operate by demonstrating safety, environmental and social responsibility with our employees and the communities in which we operate. We proactively manage business risks by embedding enterprise risk management into our business. The company's operation is in Geita Mwanza region in Tanzania.

“To be the best leading and trusted Gold Trading Company in Africa”

Our vision focuses to be highly respected, Africa's natural resource company committed to adhere to international standards in mining operations and environmental conservation and deliver excellent value to our partner communities, investors, employees and other stakeholders.”
We are a responsible and fast growing mining company that discovers and processes minerals in Geita - Tanzania in order to reach and fulfil our vision of becoming the best and leading mining company in Africa. We focus on processing pure gold observing all government regulations and policies in Tanzania.
“To be the most trusted precious gold trading company, fulfilling the requirements of our clients, investors and shareholders while showing complete transparency in all our business transactions”

At the heart of Encom Gold Ltd we look to make profitable but balanced transactions for all our suppliers, traders and investors and to continue to build on our strong foundations.
We look to develop world-class trading structures and initiatives, through the creation of independent fundamental research. This enables us to be at the fore front of the trading markets.
At Encom Gold Ltd we also strive to create and grow sustainable value for our stakeholders through the application of best practices in mining and our commitment on protecting the health and wellbeing of our employees and the environment in the communities where we work.



We are honest, ethical and fair in all our business dealings. We keep our promises, honour commitments and take personal responsibility for our actions. We treat everyone equally


Passion is the cornerstone of our company and the road to driving our achievement. With passion we can accomplish and bring forth positive results that will give us chance to continue serving our clients, we are passionate about our business, therefore we deliver the best


We know that our strength and competitive advantage is and always will be people. We will continually learn and share ideas and knowledge. We encourage cooperative efforts at every level and across all activities in our company, for we believe Unity is Strength.


We want our customers, investors and shareholders to be “raving fans”. Customers drive our next actions. Fan engagement propels us to see innovative ways of doing things and to greater excellence.

Enock Kimali

Chief Executive Officer [C.E.O]

Eric N Mburu

Chief Operating Officer [C.O.O]

Emmanuel Kisanga

Chief Production Officer [C.P.O]

Rebecca Azenga

Financial Advisory

Jackson Kilave

Field Operation Officer

Gabriel Robert

Chief Accountant

Damas Katilo

Lab Technician

Blessing Joseph


Job vacancies coming up soon! 
We will keep you updated on this website 
  • Geita Gold Market, Wing C, 1st Floor, Office No. 8
  • P.o.Box 27, Geita Tanzania